PC Pvp Kukri Weapon Kills leaderboard

# Name Kukri Kills Accuracy
#1 Incognito 2,326 0.00%
#2 bruh 925 0.00%
#3 AKK Nuclear Fanatic 502 0.00%
#4 GooseFinger 430 0.00%
#5 Bill Dauterive 389 0.00%
#6 McCrazyLegs 372 0.00%
#7 Mr Money 322 0.00%
#8 Toasty<3 304 0.00%
#9 Yellowpone 276 0.00%
#10 Ray'sCyst 266 0.00%
#11 bobbypropane 264 0.00%
#12 Zema 263 0.00%
#13 ComradePreacher 256 0.00%
#14 venom 246 0.00%
#15 yzf.johnny 245 0.00%
#16 Riley 225 0.00%
#17 Mastermind☮ 218 0.00%
#18 RebbeSeth 211 0.00%
#19 Darth Welder 209 0.00%
#20 POWWOWKW 206 0.00%
#21 greyhome 197 0.00%
#22 Night owl 196 0.00%
#23 Weedpublican 191 0.00%
#24 pink sugar elephant 188 0.00%
#25 PRIME 182 0.00%
#26 Invincible_M4N 181 0.00%
#27 Sergeant 174 0.00%
#28 Hu(man)niquin 171 0.00%
#29 Disapprobation 170 0.00%
#30 Robbster 170 0.00%
#31 Abner Fortis 167 0.00%
#32 とやま かすみ 166 0.00%
#33 REDUS_98 166 0.00%
#34 Mariusz InSecure 164 0.00%
#35 NickNameUser 162 0.00%
#36 Rebarb 155 0.00%
#37 -saF 154 0.00%
#38 molin127 152 0.00%
#39 Waffles 152 0.00%
#40 jaws0326 150 0.00%
#41 YOLO! - 白ネズミ 150 0.00%
#42 The Bow Jacker 149 0.00%
#43 Fatty with Hacks 148 0.00%
#44 Zesby 148 0.00%
#45 brainFREEZA 148 0.00%
#46 bonerstroker2006 145 0.00%
#47 lil sheeb 145 0.00%
#48 『Kainen』 145 0.00%
#49 I-Pod Touch Me 144 0.00%
#50 Train to Wuhan 142 0.00%
#51 Shadow profile 142 0.00%
#52 GuruGanjaGoat 141 0.00%
#53 Schnitzel_boy 138 0.00%
#54 Fum Bungo 135 0.00%
#55 Herpes_V!rus 135 0.00%
#56 glock with the switc 134 0.00%
#57 Kim Jong Chill 133 0.00%
#58 [MSF] JOJUS 130 0.00%
#59 mioooj 126 0.00%
#60 Stove 124 0.00%
#61 TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator 123 0.00%
#62 Capt.Barbossa❸ 122 0.00%
#63 Fujin 120 0.00%
#64 car 120 0.00%
#65 Keroz1n 119 0.00%
#66 Shareholder 119 0.00%
#67 Xto Ya! 118 0.00%
#68 A **** name for a sh 115 0.00%
#69 Blahman 114 0.00%
#70 Riley Gaming 114 0.00%
#71 Colonel Corn 113 0.00%
#72 Mèo Lạc 113 0.00%
#73 Kosho 112 0.00%
#74 El Taquero 111 0.00%
#75 bolt buttowski 110 0.00%
#76 hejhej 107 0.00%
#77 RomaNtik 107 0.00%
#78 TheOrangeSnake 105 0.00%
#79 R0TT3N 104 0.00%
#80 Kowalski 103 0.00%
#81 Manobrista 103 0.00%
#82 Arktinos 103 0.00%
#83 vedrisca 102 0.00%
#84 tarty1985 102 0.00%
#85 SeregaUser 100 0.00%
#86 Fruit money 98 0.00%
#87 A.L.C. 98 0.00%
#88 Nanner 97 0.00%
#89 Coomunist_Coomrade 97 0.00%
#90 GrandMasterFlex 96 0.00%
#91 El wiwi 96 0.00%
#92 It's Jeff 95 0.00%
#93 Badsanta 95 0.00%
#94 Vibe Police 93 0.00%
#95 R0SSMAN 92 0.00%
#96 Extremist_Gamer 92 0.00%
#97 Junco. 91 0.00%
#98 SarmatBLR 90 0.00%
#99 tooom777 90 0.00%
#100 Carrot 90 0.00%