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Lifetime 35h 18m 39s
Last update
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Score per minute









Kills per minute



Win %



Matches won












Headshot %



Objectives captured





7.14 kph

History Statistics

Class times

Name Time
Rifleman 10h 31m 59s
Advisor 8h 18m 22s
Breacher 4h 45m 8s
<missing string table entry> 4h 32m 17s
Gunner 2h 7m 16s
playerclass_insurgent_coop_advisor_allguns 1h 2m 22s
playerclass_security_coop_advisor_allguns 44m 0s
playerclass_insurgent_coop_rifleman_allguns 39m 16s
Survivor 31m 2s
playerclass_security_coop_rifleman_allguns 25m 9s
antiquer 23m 58s
pistoleer 13m 37s
playerclass_security_coop_marksman_allguns 10m 18s
Demolitions 9m 31s
playerclass_security_coop_breacher_allguns 6m 5s
Marksman 5m 35s
playerclass_insurgent_coop_marksman_allguns 5m 17s
Observer 3m 42s


Name Kills Kills/min Time Shots Shots hit Accuracy Headshots Headshot %
MK18 661 1.86 5h 55m 28s 8839 1838 20.79% 88 13.31%
AKM 420 1.795 3h 53m 59s 5304 1076 20.29% 63 15.00%
QBZ-03 154 1.83 1h 24m 8s 2541 384 15.11% 27 17.53%
TOZ-194 121 1.662 1h 12m 49s 263 389 147.91% 7 5.79%
Alpha AK 120 1.88 1h 3m 50s 1578 296 18.76% 18 15.00%
M4A1 114 1.333 1h 25m 32s 1692 274 16.19% 15 13.16%
M870 112 2.742 40m 51s 211 310 146.92% 12 10.71%
Galil SAR 109 2.389 45m 38s 1073 275 25.63% 19 17.43%
Galil 107 2.76 38m 46s 946 244 25.79% 17 15.89%
AK-74 104 2.275 45m 43s 1389 282 20.30% 21 20.19%
M16A4 102 1.697 1h 0m 7s 1184 278 23.48% 10 9.80%
VHS-2 86 2.617 32m 52s 1105 220 19.91% 17 19.77%
SKS 71 1.479 48m 0s 723 154 21.30% 6 8.45%
Sterling 68 1.769 38m 27s 726 197 27.13% 8 11.76%
Honey Badger 68 1.507 45m 7s 947 165 17.42% 3 4.41%
PKM 59 3.207 18m 24s 734 88 11.99% 1 1.69%
M16A2 56 2.454 22m 49s 478 123 25.73% 8 14.29%
AUG A3 55 1.978 27m 48s 596 160 26.85% 9 16.36%
AKS-74U 54 1.813 29m 47s 704 151 21.45% 16 29.63%
G3A3 46 2.224 20m 41s 367 89 24.25% 7 15.22%
FAL 36 3.445 10m 27s 284 60 21.13% 3 8.33%
MP5A5 33 1.352 24m 25s 493 84 17.04% 5 15.15%
L106A1 30 2.532 11m 51s 200 64 32.00% 5 16.67%
QBZ-97 27 1.292 20m 54s 342 61 17.84% 2 7.41%
PF940 27 1.864 14m 29s 264 62 23.48% 1 3.70%
L85A2 24 2.304 10m 25s 276 57 20.65% 5 20.83%
Makarov 22 1.249 17m 37s 188 67 35.64% 5 22.73%
M45 20 0.866 23m 6s 148 37 25.00% 8 40.00%
Tavor 7 19 2.539 7m 29s 255 35 13.73% 1 5.26%
Browning HP 18 1.126 15m 59s 287 50 17.42% 3 16.67%
ACE 52 18 1.355 13m 17s 292 34 11.64% 5 27.78%
G36K 18 2.308 7m 48s 234 44 18.80% 6 33.33%
AS Val 18 1.538 11m 42s 356 59 16.57% 5 27.78%
Mk 17 Mod 0 16 0.948 16m 53s 189 39 20.63% 1 6.25%
MP7 13 2.516 5m 10s 204 56 27.45% 3 23.08%
Mk 14 EBR 11 1.162 9m 28s 98 18 18.37% 0 0.00%
MP5A2 10 0.679 14m 44s 188 24 12.77% 1 10.00%
QTS-11 9 3.75 2m 24s 114 22 19.30% 1 11.11%
KSG 8 0.966 8m 17s 12 15 125.00% 1 12.50%
MG3 7 2.222 3m 9s 58 9 15.52% 1 14.29%
Molotov 6 0.653 9m 11s 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Uzi 6 1.44 4m 10s 83 17 20.48% 1 16.67%
M3 Grease Gun 6 1.525 3m 56s 85 15 17.65% 0 0.00%
SVD 5 1.987 2m 31s 21 7 33.33% 0 0.00%
M240B 5 2.941 1m 42s 47 5 10.64% 1 20.00%
M1911 5 2.885 1m 44s 38 10 26.32% 3 60.00%
Tariq 4 3.288 1m 13s 28 7 25.00% 0 0.00%
AN-M14 Incendiary 3 0.698 4m 18s 0 0 0 0 0.00%
M249 3 0.918 3m 16s 97 9 9.28% 1 33.33%
M24 3 0.39 7m 41s 10 4 40.00% 1 33.33%
Desert Eagle 3 0.692 4m 20s 9 4 44.44% 0 0.00%
bp_firearm_m26mk_c 3 4.186 0m 43s 5 8 160.00% 1 33.33%
Mosin-Nagant 2 0.789 2m 32s 3 5 166.67% 0 0.00%
FAMAS F1 2 1.176 1m 42s 26 4 15.38% 0 0.00%
M110 SASS 2 0.345 5m 48s 14 4 28.57% 0 0.00%
M1 Garand 1 1.25 0m 48s 5 2 40.00% 0 0.00%
M2HB 1 2.5 0m 24s 89 1 1.12% 0 0.00%
F1 Frag 1 0.87 1m 9s 0 0 0 0 0.00%
M67 Frag 1 1.111 0m 54s 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Kukri 1 2.143 0m 28s 0 1 0 0 0.00%
MR 73 1 1.429 0m 42s 3 1 33.33% 0 0.00%
bp_firearm_m26mk_aug_c 1 7.5 0m 8s 2 4 200.00% 0 0.00%
obj_weaponcache_ins_c 1 0 0m 0s 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Combat Knife 0 0 5m 35s 0 1 0 0 0
M84 Flash 0 0 1m 10s 0 0 0 0 0
M83 Smoke 0 0 1m 55s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_firearm_qbz95vog_c 0 0 0m 11s 0 0 0 0 0
C4 (Cache) 0 0 0m 29s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_c4det_c 0 0 0m 4s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_firearm_masterkeymk_c 0 0 0m 59s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glvhs_c 0 0 0m 2s 0 0 0 0 0
M320 Explosive 0 0 0m 6s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
RPG-7 0 0 0m 35s 2 0 0.00% 0 0
IED (Cache) 0 0 0m 43s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_ieddet_c 0 0 0m 14s 0 0 0 0 0
Panzerfaust 3 0 0 0m 20s 2 0 0.00% 0 0
P90 0 0 0m 32s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
Welrod 0 0 0m 7s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glgp25smoke_c 0 0 0m 3s 0 0 0 0 0
M19 Mine 0 0 0m 4s 0 0 0 0 0
M9 0 0 0m 3s 0 0 0 0 0