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Lifetime 181h 44m 22s
Last update
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Score per minute









Kills per minute



Win %



Matches won












Headshot %



Objectives captured





6.16 kph

History Statistics

Class times

Name Time
Observer 50h 19m 37s
Breacher 22h 53m 0s
Gunner 22h 26m 3s
Advisor 20h 57m 56s
Survivor 17h 6m 41s
Rifleman 14h 59m 53s
Demolitions 12h 42m 15s
Marksman 8h 26m 20s
Commander 7h 13m 43s
pistoleer 3h 44m 17s


Name Kills Kills/min Time Shots Shots hit Accuracy Headshots Headshot %
AKM 1981 2.424 13h 37m 22s 22959 5029 21.90% 252 12.72%
M240B 1702 3.251 8h 43m 30s 22514 2364 10.50% 116 6.82%
M4A1 1252 2.067 10h 5m 36s 15876 3363 21.18% 149 11.90%
AK-74 1158 2.355 8h 11m 47s 13026 2910 22.34% 172 14.85%
AUG A3 1110 2.488 7h 26m 5s 12877 2602 20.21% 154 13.87%
M249 839 2.959 4h 43m 34s 16465 2100 12.75% 126 15.02%
Alpha AK 791 2.837 4h 38m 49s 7858 1879 23.91% 112 14.16%
Uzi 774 2.516 5h 7m 38s 11374 2010 17.67% 110 14.21%
M16A4 710 2.391 4h 56m 54s 6604 1753 26.54% 67 9.44%
Mk 17 Mod 0 700 2.743 4h 15m 13s 5878 1422 24.19% 89 12.71%
SVD 694 3.663 3h 9m 29s 2344 952 40.61% 65 9.37%
M16A2 649 1.99 5h 26m 5s 5720 1522 26.61% 68 10.48%
G3A3 561 2.218 4h 12m 56s 4990 1023 20.50% 40 7.13%
FAL 560 2.226 4h 11m 36s 5120 1005 19.63% 64 11.43%
Honey Badger 548 2.29 3h 59m 17s 6824 1396 20.46% 101 18.43%
PKM 542 3.763 2h 24m 2s 7165 828 11.56% 54 9.96%
G36K 532 2.026 4h 22m 35s 6786 1389 20.47% 81 15.23%
L85A2 475 3.468 2h 16m 58s 5217 1345 25.78% 59 12.42%
AKS-74U 386 2.464 2h 36m 40s 5523 1152 20.86% 58 15.03%
MP7 363 1.898 3h 11m 18s 5481 1242 22.66% 81 22.31%
QBZ-03 326 2.12 2h 33m 46s 3926 849 21.63% 51 15.64%
Mk 14 EBR 323 2.453 2h 11m 42s 1684 529 31.41% 34 10.53%
RPK 318 4.148 1h 16m 40s 3979 1117 28.07% 31 9.75%
ACE 52 309 2.532 2h 2m 2s 2898 580 20.01% 34 11.00%
QBZ-97 288 1.807 2h 39m 23s 3475 688 19.80% 39 13.54%
MP5A5 276 1.96 2h 20m 49s 4630 754 16.29% 37 13.41%
MP5A2 272 2.777 1h 37m 57s 3086 718 23.27% 39 14.34%
Tavor 7 236 2.272 1h 43m 52s 2383 464 19.47% 31 13.14%
DShK 209 7.145 29m 15s 4887 270 5.52% 10 4.78%
M2HB 186 4.984 37m 19s 6169 240 3.89% 16 8.60%
M110 SASS 169 2.171 1h 17m 51s 734 265 36.10% 22 13.02%
PF940 146 1.399 1h 44m 21s 1208 374 30.96% 21 14.38%
Galil SAR 129 2.625 49m 9s 1661 375 22.58% 19 14.73%
MK18 123 2.685 45m 49s 1294 323 24.96% 22 17.89%
MG3 115 3.045 37m 46s 1476 164 11.11% 3 2.61%
Makarov 113 1.624 1h 9m 36s 941 364 38.68% 14 12.39%
SKS 111 2.817 39m 24s 887 252 28.41% 13 11.71%
VHS-2 111 3.075 36m 6s 1418 382 26.94% 12 10.81%
FAMAS F1 101 1.893 53m 22s 1091 229 20.99% 14 13.86%
Sterling 94 1.624 57m 53s 1322 284 21.48% 13 13.83%
M60 94 4.023 23m 22s 1192 194 16.28% 6 6.38%
AS Val 72 1.874 38m 25s 976 261 26.74% 11 15.28%
M3 Grease Gun 71 1.778 39m 56s 894 167 18.68% 10 14.08%
M24 67 1.929 34m 44s 132 84 63.64% 10 14.93%
M45 57 0.86 1h 6m 18s 465 129 27.74% 9 15.79%
Galil 44 2.882 15m 16s 417 91 21.82% 5 11.36%
QTS-11 41 4.039 10m 9s 304 82 26.97% 7 17.07%
Mosin-Nagant 41 3.57 11m 29s 59 48 81.36% 6 14.63%
Vector 35 2.793 12m 32s 401 82 20.45% 1 2.86%
Browning HP 33 3.523 9m 22s 248 96 38.71% 5 15.15%
TOZ-194 31 1.983 15m 38s 66 80 121.21% 4 12.90%
L106A1 28 2.593 10m 48s 271 73 26.94% 5 17.86%
M1911 26 2.01 12m 56s 161 55 34.16% 7 26.92%
M1 Garand 25 2.212 11m 18s 108 31 28.70% 2 8.00%
M870 24 1.262 19m 1s 43 62 144.19% 3 12.50%
Tariq 19 1.21 15m 42s 186 52 27.96% 3 15.79%
KS23 14 2.127 6m 35s 21 36 171.43% 1 7.14%
P90 12 1.545 7m 46s 219 50 22.83% 1 8.33%
MR 73 12 1.268 9m 28s 37 22 59.46% 1 8.33%
M82A1 CQ 10 2.4 4m 10s 17 10 58.82% 1 10.00%
KSG 9 1.957 4m 36s 13 19 146.15% 1 11.11%
M9 5 0.754 6m 38s 71 18 25.35% 2 40.00%
M99 3 0.679 4m 25s 15 3 20.00% 0 0.00%
bp_firearm_masterkeymk_ak_c 2 1.263 1m 35s 9 12 133.33% 1 50.00%
F1 Frag 0 0 14m 46s 0 0 0 0 0
M83 Smoke 0 0 2m 50s 0 0 0 0 0
Combat Knife 0 0 5m 57s 0 7 0 0 0
M84 Flash 0 0 11m 15s 0 0 0 0 0
Molotov 0 0 1h 42m 37s 0 0 0 0 0
IED (Cache) 0 0 4m 53s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_ieddet_c 0 0 3m 9s 0 0 0 0 0
M67 Frag 0 0 43m 46s 0 0 0 0 0
Kukri 0 0 2m 51s 0 6 0 0 0
AT4 0 0 7m 54s 42 0 0.00% 0 0
C4 (Cache) 0 0 3m 6s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_c4det_c 0 0 2m 41s 0 0 0 0 0
RPG-7 0 0 29m 41s 116 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_explosive_glgp25_c 0 0 23m 35s 149 0 0.00% 0 0
AN-M14 Incendiary 0 0 1h 4m 18s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glgarand_c 0 0 0m 4s 0 0 0 0 0
Insurgent Binoculars 0 0 15m 7s 0 0 0 0 0
Security Binoculars 0 0 12m 35s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glfamas_c 0 0 0m 16s 3 0 0.00% 0 0
M203 Explosive 0 0 6m 32s 50 0 0.00% 0 0
Panzerfaust 3 0 0 6m 38s 37 0 0.00% 0 0
M3 MAAWS 0 0 23m 44s 95 0 0.00% 0 0
M320 Explosive 0 0 8m 56s 55 0 0.00% 0 0
C-4 0 0 0m 57s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glaug_c 0 0 10m 30s 61 0 0.00% 0 0
TM-62 Mine 0 0 0m 26s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glm203smoke_c 0 0 0m 58s 3 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_firearm_masterkeymk_c 0 0 0m 20s 3 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_firearm_m26mk_aug_c 0 0 0m 2s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_firearm_masterkeymk_famas_c 0 0 0m 33s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_explosive_glgp25smoke_c 0 0 0m 42s 4 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_explosive_glvhs_c 0 0 0m 11s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
Welrod 0 0 1m 0s 4 4 100.00% 0 0
IED 0 0 0m 1s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glqbz95_c 0 0 0m 11s 2 0 0.00% 0 0