nickpeach03 Refresh player info

Lifetime 52h 35m 23s
Last update
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Score per minute









Kills per minute



Win %



Matches won












Headshot %



Objectives captured





10.25 kph

History Statistics

Class times

Name Time
Fragger 22h 19m 1s
Observer 4h 21m 21s
Advisor 4h 20m 3s
Rifleman 2h 49m 12s
Breacher 2h 38m 57s
Marksman 1h 42m 39s
Gunner 1h 6m 50s
pistoleer 35m 2s
playerclass_welrodonly 22m 10s
Pistoleer 17m 17s
Assaulter 15m 33s
Demolitions 13m 56s
gunslinger 13m 23s
welrodman 10m 15s
VIP 3m 29s
Sharpshooter 2m 1s
Flanker 1m 1s


Name Kills Kills/min Time Shots Shots hit Accuracy Headshots Headshot %
MK18 172 1.447 1h 58m 51s 3154 443 14.05% 36 20.93%
QBZ-03 117 1.485 1h 18m 46s 2147 282 13.13% 25 21.37%
M16A2 113 1.761 1h 4m 9s 938 251 26.76% 25 22.12%
M110 SASS 97 1.271 1h 16m 19s 510 142 27.84% 19 19.59%
M82A1 CQ 97 1.407 1h 8m 56s 251 99 39.44% 8 8.25%
AK-74 95 1.241 1h 16m 33s 1638 233 14.22% 18 18.95%
VHS-2 95 2.099 45m 15s 1865 242 12.98% 25 26.32%
M4A1 88 1.416 1h 2m 8s 1631 199 12.20% 22 25.00%
M16A4 87 1.036 1h 23m 59s 856 195 22.78% 21 24.14%
AS Val 80 1.048 1h 16m 19s 1832 296 16.16% 16 20.00%
Tavor 7 72 1.645 43m 46s 982 134 13.65% 12 16.67%
AKM 69 0.89 1h 17m 32s 1285 151 11.75% 21 30.43%
MP5A5 67 1.41 47m 31s 1144 184 16.08% 16 23.88%
AKS-74U 66 1.582 41m 43s 1404 185 13.18% 15 22.73%
Honey Badger 63 1.054 59m 45s 1358 155 11.41% 17 26.98%
M24 58 1.192 48m 39s 113 74 65.49% 7 12.07%
PF940 55 1.167 47m 8s 768 191 24.87% 7 12.73%
AUG A3 54 1.164 46m 24s 787 127 16.14% 12 22.22%
Alpha AK 39 1.084 35m 58s 790 99 12.53% 8 20.51%
G3A3 37 0.623 59m 26s 473 71 15.01% 6 16.22%
MP7 34 0.911 37m 20s 805 100 12.42% 8 23.53%
Mk 17 Mod 0 33 0.902 36m 34s 483 68 14.08% 4 12.12%
Galil SAR 33 1.221 27m 1s 694 79 11.38% 10 30.30%
Mk 14 EBR 30 1.245 24m 6s 273 54 19.78% 5 16.67%
SVD 29 0.795 36m 30s 96 40 41.67% 4 13.79%
SKS 29 0.859 33m 45s 235 66 28.09% 4 13.79%
M9 28 1.293 21m 39s 282 68 24.11% 10 35.71%
L85A2 27 0.786 34m 21s 374 64 17.11% 8 29.63%
G36K 27 0.768 35m 9s 540 74 13.70% 4 14.81%
MG3 26 0.958 27m 9s 968 36 3.72% 2 7.69%
M870 26 0.944 27m 33s 67 51 76.12% 3 11.54%
MP5A2 26 1.037 25m 4s 723 72 9.96% 5 19.23%
QTS-11 25 0.689 36m 16s 360 55 15.28% 2 8.00%
Sterling 24 1.199 20m 1s 527 67 12.71% 5 20.83%
M3 Grease Gun 24 0.996 24m 6s 459 62 13.51% 2 8.33%
Welrod 23 0.699 32m 53s 218 75 34.40% 8 34.78%
FAMAS F1 21 1.368 15m 21s 346 49 14.16% 4 19.05%
M240B 21 1.733 12m 7s 376 26 6.91% 2 9.52%
M1 Garand 21 0.967 21m 43s 95 32 33.68% 4 19.05%
M249 18 0.746 24m 8s 614 40 6.51% 7 38.89%
MR 73 18 1.155 15m 35s 53 21 39.62% 0 0.00%
TOZ-194 16 1.32 12m 7s 37 32 86.49% 2 12.50%
Desert Eagle 15 1.058 14m 11s 52 19 36.54% 1 6.67%
FAL 14 0.631 22m 12s 214 25 11.68% 1 7.14%
Vector 14 1.922 7m 17s 367 37 10.08% 0 0.00%
ACE 52 13 0.804 16m 10s 135 18 13.33% 2 15.38%
Mosin-Nagant 12 0.583 20m 35s 30 12 40.00% 4 33.33%
SG552 12 0.898 13m 22s 206 29 14.08% 4 33.33%
P90 11 0.884 12m 27s 353 50 14.16% 5 45.45%
PKM 10 0.919 10m 53s 142 17 11.97% 0 0.00%
KSG 10 1.014 9m 52s 24 24 100.00% 1 10.00%
F1 Frag 10 1.152 8m 41s 0 0 0 0 0.00%
Galil 9 0.701 12m 50s 294 21 7.14% 1 11.11%
Uzi 8 0.747 10m 43s 231 22 9.52% 2 25.00%
QBZ-97 7 0.674 10m 23s 100 14 14.00% 3 42.86%
Makarov 6 0.562 10m 40s 108 23 21.30% 3 50.00%
KS23 6 3.186 1m 53s 8 15 187.50% 0 0.00%
MDR 6 0.517 11m 36s 98 11 11.22% 1 16.67%
M1911 5 0.565 8m 51s 95 28 29.47% 3 60.00%
M67 Frag 5 0.84 5m 57s 0 0 0 0 0.00%
M45 4 0.845 4m 44s 40 9 22.50% 1 25.00%
Tariq 3 0.396 7m 35s 37 6 16.22% 1 33.33%
L106A1 3 0.531 5m 39s 82 10 12.20% 3 100.00%
M99 2 0.269 7m 26s 15 2 13.33% 0 0.00%
bp_firearm_gp25vog_c 1 1.714 0m 35s 2 3 150.00% 0 0.00%
Browning HP 1 0.349 2m 52s 18 3 16.67% 1 100.00%
M60 1 0.253 3m 57s 61 1 1.64% 0 0.00%
bp_firearm_masterkeymk_famas_c 1 4.615 0m 13s 2 4 200.00% 0 0.00%
bp_firearm_m26mk_c 1 0.612 1m 38s 5 1 20.00% 0 0.00%
Combat Knife 0 0 1m 8s 0 0 0 0 0
Kukri 0 0 1m 16s 0 0 0 0 0
M84 Flash 0 0 2m 0s 0 0 0 0 0
M83 Smoke 0 0 1m 42s 0 0 0 0 0
Panzerfaust 3 0 0 1m 19s 6 0 0.00% 0 0
RPG-7 0 0 0m 8s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
M2HB 0 0 0m 2s 6 2 33.33% 0 0
AT4 0 0 0m 17s 1 0 0.00% 0 0