SKIDBLADNIR9 Refresh player info

Lifetime 352h 0m 10s
Last update
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Score per minute









Kills per minute



Win %



Matches won












Headshot %



Objectives captured





3.69 kph

History Statistics

Class times

Name Time
Marksman 79h 11m 39s
Breacher 72h 36m 28s
Survivor 68h 6m 53s
Rifleman 44h 52m 23s
Advisor 40h 29m 3s
Observer 14h 29m 40s
Commander 9h 2m 32s
Gunner 5h 44m 29s
Demolitions 5h 35m 26s
pistoleer 2h 48m 17s
antiquer 2h 3m 19s
Sharpshooter-Bolt 30m 41s
shotguneer 19m 10s


Name Kills Kills/min Time Shots Shots hit Accuracy Headshots Headshot %
SVD 3500 1.47 39h 40m 42s 11725 4858 41.43% 405 11.57%
TOZ-194 2534 1.106 38h 11m 14s 6337 6674 105.32% 333 13.14%
Mk 17 Mod 0 1255 1.105 18h 55m 51s 9730 2627 27.00% 238 18.96%
G36K 1244 0.892 23h 15m 6s 13556 3334 24.59% 264 21.22%
Mk 14 EBR 741 1.089 11h 20m 39s 3427 1182 34.49% 107 14.44%
AK-74 654 1.007 10h 49m 15s 8057 1927 23.92% 122 18.65%
AKM 461 1.25 6h 8m 49s 4707 1153 24.50% 80 17.35%
M9 355 0.505 11h 42m 54s 4639 1147 24.73% 79 22.25%
M870 247 0.88 4h 40m 33s 626 765 122.20% 33 13.36%
Alpha AK 225 1.029 3h 38m 41s 2241 575 25.66% 58 25.78%
G3A3 216 1.007 3h 34m 36s 1765 378 21.42% 37 17.13%
SKS 201 0.92 3h 38m 23s 1722 502 29.15% 30 14.93%
QBZ-03 173 1.156 2h 29m 38s 1905 439 23.04% 43 24.86%
PF940 158 0.483 5h 27m 23s 1902 419 22.03% 21 13.29%
Honey Badger 129 1.153 1h 51m 55s 1235 316 25.59% 28 21.71%
Galil SAR 124 0.994 2h 4m 48s 1407 308 21.89% 26 20.97%
M249 117 1.033 1h 53m 13s 2911 312 10.72% 21 17.95%
FAL 106 1.199 1h 28m 25s 822 189 22.99% 19 17.92%
M110 SASS 105 1.069 1h 38m 11s 596 193 32.38% 14 13.33%
ACE 52 94 0.914 1h 42m 50s 865 173 20.00% 21 22.34%
Tavor 7 91 1.282 1h 10m 59s 665 164 24.66% 18 19.78%
MP5A5 90 0.774 1h 56m 14s 1553 271 17.45% 15 16.67%
MK18 88 0.718 2h 2m 36s 965 234 24.25% 22 25.00%
VHS-2 80 0.647 2h 3m 42s 955 231 24.19% 12 15.00%
PKM 78 1.346 57m 56s 1322 115 8.70% 8 10.26%
M16A4 72 1.245 57m 51s 633 172 27.17% 11 15.28%
QTS-11 71 1.217 58m 20s 675 175 25.93% 13 18.31%
MP5A2 69 0.931 1h 14m 9s 1050 189 18.00% 12 17.39%
M16A2 69 1.117 1h 1m 45s 728 167 22.94% 5 7.25%
M1 Garand 68 1.147 59m 17s 236 100 42.37% 3 4.41%
M4A1 64 0.917 1h 9m 46s 706 152 21.53% 15 23.44%
MG3 64 1.492 42m 53s 1211 99 8.18% 3 4.69%
AKS-74U 56 0.818 1h 8m 26s 877 178 20.30% 16 28.57%
M240B 54 0.986 54m 46s 1073 104 9.69% 3 5.56%
Makarov 53 0.34 2h 35m 58s 719 222 30.88% 11 20.75%
AUG A3 49 1.347 36m 23s 417 123 29.50% 7 14.29%
L85A2 48 1.144 41m 58s 492 109 22.15% 4 8.33%
M3 Grease Gun 44 1.03 42m 42s 641 112 17.47% 6 13.64%
KS23 43 1.502 28m 38s 71 113 159.15% 3 6.98%
M99 42 2.01 20m 54s 88 42 47.73% 5 11.90%
Mosin-Nagant 41 0.794 51m 40s 108 52 48.15% 5 12.20%
SG552 41 1.214 33m 47s 517 125 24.18% 6 14.63%
KSG 40 0.788 50m 45s 125 103 82.40% 7 17.50%
Sterling 36 0.759 47m 25s 669 122 18.24% 11 30.56%
M60 33 1.852 17m 49s 333 40 12.01% 2 6.06%
Galil 32 0.911 35m 8s 339 73 21.53% 4 12.50%
QBZ-97 30 1.158 25m 55s 296 70 23.65% 6 20.00%
Uzi 28 0.847 33m 4s 343 82 23.91% 7 25.00%
DShK 26 2.737 9m 30s 1158 33 2.85% 3 11.54%
M24 23 0.536 42m 54s 77 30 38.96% 4 17.39%
P90 22 1.104 19m 56s 377 86 22.81% 5 22.73%
MP7 21 0.704 29m 49s 279 66 23.66% 6 28.57%
MDR 21 1.462 14m 22s 190 34 17.89% 3 14.29%
M45 19 0.376 50m 29s 218 63 28.90% 4 21.05%
Desert Eagle 19 0.381 49m 52s 108 31 28.70% 1 5.26%
Vector 18 0.863 20m 51s 250 42 16.80% 2 11.11%
FAMAS F1 18 0.783 23m 0s 236 39 16.53% 3 16.67%
MR 73 18 0.749 24m 2s 40 20 50.00% 3 16.67%
RPK 18 0.923 19m 30s 239 39 16.32% 3 16.67%
AS Val 17 0.57 29m 49s 243 68 27.98% 3 17.65%
M82A1 CQ 14 0.65 21m 32s 45 14 31.11% 0 0.00%
M2HB 12 2.544 4m 43s 666 17 2.55% 1 8.33%
Tariq 2 0.153 13m 2s 28 7 25.00% 0 0.00%
L106A1 2 0.779 2m 34s 13 5 38.46% 0 0.00%
M1911 2 0.811 2m 28s 22 7 31.82% 0 0.00%
bp_firearm_gp25vog_c 1 0.8 1m 15s 4 2 50.00% 0 0.00%
Combat Knife 0 0 12m 38s 0 6 0 0 0
bp_firearm_m26mk_m16_c 0 0 0m 3s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glm320smoke_c 0 0 0m 6s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
C4 (Cache) 0 0 2m 14s 0 0 0 0 0
C-4 0 0 0m 7s 0 0 0 0 0
M83 Smoke 0 0 1m 49s 0 0 0 0 0
Molotov 0 0 16m 0s 0 0 0 0 0
IED (Cache) 0 0 6m 46s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_ieddet_c 0 0 4m 18s 0 0 0 0 0
F1 Frag 0 0 27m 45s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_firearm_masterkeymk_c 0 0 0m 2s 0 0 0 0 0
Panzerfaust 3 0 0 4m 5s 10 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_explosive_c4det_c 0 0 1m 22s 0 0 0 0 0
Browning HP 0 0 0m 16s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glvhs_c 0 0 0m 19s 2 0 0.00% 0 0
AN-M14 Incendiary 0 0 9m 16s 0 0 0 0 0
M67 Frag 0 0 1m 48s 0 0 0 0 0
M84 Flash 0 0 3m 2s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_firearm_masterkeymk_ak_c 0 0 0m 56s 5 2 40.00% 0 0
Security Binoculars 0 0 5m 14s 0 0 0 0 0
M320 Explosive 0 0 0m 2s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glgp25_c 0 0 3m 48s 28 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_explosive_glgp25smoke_c 0 0 0m 26s 3 0 0.00% 0 0
Insurgent Binoculars 0 0 3m 41s 0 0 0 0 0
RPG-7 0 0 11m 9s 27 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_explosive_glqts11_c 0 0 0m 4s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
AT4 0 0 2m 19s 9 0 0.00% 0 0
Kukri 0 0 3m 35s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glgarand_c 0 0 0m 47s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
M3 MAAWS 0 0 0m 21s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
M203 Explosive 0 0 0m 4s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
TM-62 Mine 0 0 0m 17s 0 0 0 0 0
Welrod 0 0 1m 25s 4 0 0.00% 0 0
bp_explosive_glaug_c 0 0 0m 8s 1 0 0.00% 0 0