Culture-Anthrax Refresh player info

Lifetime 54h 40m 1s
Last update
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Score per minute









Kills per minute



Win %



Matches won












Headshot %



Objectives captured





4.87 kph

History Statistics

Class times

Name Time
Rifleman 12h 48m 46s
Marksman 10h 0m 6s
<missing string table entry> 9h 1m 54s
Survivor 7h 16m 46s
Observer 5h 37m 34s
Advisor 3h 39m 30s
Breacher 3h 15m 17s
pistoleer 1h 44m 29s
Gunner 34m 33s
makattacker 9m 30s
Demolitions 3m 58s


Name Kills Kills/min Time Shots Shots hit Accuracy Headshots Headshot %
M110 SASS 640 2.024 5h 16m 16s 4616 1129 24.46% 65 10.16%
G3A3 499 1.646 5h 3m 8s 4914 996 20.27% 53 10.62%
G36K 360 1.859 3h 13m 39s 3938 931 23.64% 70 19.44%
SVD 258 1.939 2h 13m 4s 1749 377 21.56% 14 5.43%
MK18 233 2.008 1h 56m 2s 3426 1008 29.42% 38 16.31%
QBZ-03 204 1.955 1h 44m 20s 2098 507 24.17% 16 7.84%
PF940 181 1.487 2h 1m 41s 2168 528 24.35% 20 11.05%
M16A4 179 1.428 2h 5m 21s 2410 456 18.92% 21 11.73%
AK-74 139 1.925 1h 12m 12s 1562 363 23.24% 15 10.79%
M870 132 2.109 1h 2m 36s 346 268 77.46% 16 12.12%
ACE 52 94 1.723 54m 34s 1101 179 16.26% 11 11.70%
M4A1 93 1.292 1h 12m 0s 1467 222 15.13% 8 8.60%
Alpha AK 82 1.897 43m 14s 1042 194 18.62% 7 8.54%
Galil SAR 69 2.715 25m 25s 704 160 22.73% 11 15.94%
AKM 61 1.932 31m 34s 564 129 22.87% 7 11.48%
Honey Badger 60 1.399 42m 54s 876 152 17.35% 12 20.00%
M9 57 0.782 1h 12m 56s 672 160 23.81% 9 15.79%
TOZ-194 54 2.203 24m 31s 118 194 164.41% 5 9.26%
M249 47 4.386 10m 43s 774 114 14.73% 3 6.38%
KSG 47 2.767 16m 59s 113 141 124.78% 4 8.51%
Galil 46 1.962 23m 27s 518 105 20.27% 13 28.26%
AS Val 45 2.082 21m 37s 530 168 31.70% 6 13.33%
VHS-2 41 1.444 28m 24s 597 107 17.92% 9 21.95%
L85A2 40 2.561 15m 37s 411 94 22.87% 4 10.00%
QTS-11 39 2.773 14m 4s 376 85 22.61% 5 12.82%
M24 39 0.973 40m 4s 96 54 56.25% 3 7.69%
MP5A5 38 1.346 28m 14s 544 106 19.49% 4 10.53%
MP5A2 32 2.412 13m 16s 386 74 19.17% 4 12.50%
M240B 31 2.064 15m 1s 507 48 9.47% 3 9.68%
FAMAS F1 29 2.203 13m 10s 340 70 20.59% 5 17.24%
PKM 26 3.688 7m 3s 377 38 10.08% 5 19.23%
AKS-74U 25 1.904 13m 8s 322 82 25.47% 5 20.00%
Tavor 7 25 2.152 11m 37s 237 43 18.14% 5 20.00%
M16A2 24 1.589 15m 6s 243 62 25.51% 3 12.50%
QBZ-97 19 2.375 8m 0s 175 45 25.71% 1 5.26%
RPK 19 2.931 6m 29s 201 37 18.41% 5 26.32%
Mk 14 EBR 18 1.188 15m 9s 201 37 18.41% 3 16.67%
MP7 18 1.338 13m 27s 231 62 26.84% 3 16.67%
MG3 17 2.939 5m 47s 275 25 9.09% 1 5.88%
SKS 16 1.277 12m 32s 191 50 26.18% 2 12.50%
M3 Grease Gun 15 1.546 9m 42s 233 34 14.59% 3 20.00%
Sterling 14 1.644 8m 31s 180 36 20.00% 7 50.00%
Mosin-Nagant 13 1.014 12m 49s 33 15 45.45% 1 7.69%
Mk 17 Mod 0 13 3.25 4m 0s 110 29 26.36% 0 0.00%
Vector 13 1.718 7m 34s 345 26 7.54% 5 38.46%
Uzi 12 1.548 7m 45s 135 42 31.11% 1 8.33%
M1 Garand 11 1.65 6m 40s 44 15 34.09% 0 0.00%
M1911 11 0.662 16m 37s 101 25 24.75% 3 27.27%
FAL 9 0.939 9m 35s 124 20 16.13% 0 0.00%
Browning HP 9 0.514 17m 31s 102 20 19.61% 2 22.22%
L106A1 9 1.006 8m 57s 105 26 24.76% 2 22.22%
Makarov 8 0.882 9m 4s 130 31 23.85% 0 0.00%
M45 6 0.981 6m 7s 49 14 28.57% 1 16.67%
KS23 6 0.935 6m 25s 9 15 166.67% 0 0.00%
Desert Eagle 6 1.545 3m 53s 20 8 40.00% 0 0.00%
P90 5 1.2 4m 10s 50 23 46.00% 2 40.00%
M82A1 CQ 4 1.026 3m 54s 13 4 30.77% 1 25.00%
M60 4 0.866 4m 37s 109 6 5.50% 0 0.00%
AUG A3 3 0.306 9m 48s 63 10 15.87% 1 33.33%
M99 3 0.776 3m 52s 15 3 20.00% 0 0.00%
DShK 3 3.913 0m 46s 209 4 1.91% 1 33.33%
Tariq 1 0.164 6m 6s 20 2 10.00% 0 0.00%
MR 73 1 3.158 0m 19s 4 1 25.00% 0 0.00%
Kukri 0 0 1m 17s 0 0 0 0 0
F1 Frag 0 0 1m 17s 0 0 0 0 0
AT4 0 0 0m 34s 2 0 0.00% 0 0
Molotov 0 0 6m 44s 0 0 0 0 0
Combat Knife 0 0 7m 26s 0 13 0 0 0
M83 Smoke 0 0 0m 28s 0 0 0 0 0
Panzerfaust 3 0 0 0m 43s 2 0 0.00% 0 0
M67 Frag 0 0 0m 51s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_glgp25_c 0 0 0m 11s 1 0 0.00% 0 0
Welrod 0 0 11m 17s 0 0 0 0 0
IED (Cache) 0 0 4m 3s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_ieddet_c 0 0 3m 9s 0 0 0 0 0
C4 (Cache) 0 0 1m 6s 0 0 0 0 0
bp_explosive_c4det_c 0 0 1m 0s 0 0 0 0 0
RPG-7 0 0 0m 58s 3 0 0.00% 0 0
AN-M14 Incendiary 0 0 0m 36s 0 0 0 0 0
M84 Flash 0 0 1m 56s 0 0 0 0 0