MrLahey07 Refresh player info

Lifetime 1h 15m 37s
Last update
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Name Kills Kills/min Time Shots Shots hit Accuracy Headshots Headshot %
G36K 28 1.526 18m 21s 442 83 18.78% 2 7.14%
AKM 16 1.114 14m 22s 188 43 22.87% 3 18.75%
MK18 11 1.404 7m 50s 217 93 42.86% 1 9.09%
SG552 10 1.917 5m 13s 109 28 25.69% 3 30.00%
M16A2 9 1.672 5m 23s 134 75 55.97% 2 22.22%
M24 0 0 0m 2s 0 0 0 0 0
F1 Frag 0 0 0m 34s 0 0 0 0 0
Kukri 0 0 0m 2s 0 0 0 0 0
M1911 0 0 0m 25s 0 0 0 0 0
M16A4 0 0 1m 15s 3 1 33.33% 0 0
L106A1 0 0 0m 2s 0 0 0 0 0